Annual Foundation Day Celebrations / Shri Satyanarayana Pooja
GOWD SARASWATH SAMAJ cordially invites all Samaj Bandhavas forShri Satyanarayana Pooja and the Foundation Day & Annual Day Celebration of the Samaj Bhavan
Venue: Samaj Bhavan, Vasna Date: 30th April 2023 (Sunday) PROGRAM SCHEDULE Shri Satyanarayana pooja – 10.30 AM onwards – 10.45 AM – Prarthana – 11.00AM – 12.15PM – Bhajan – 12.15PM – 12.45PM – Vishnu sahasranama japa – 12.45PM – 01.15PM – Aarti and Prasad distribution – 01.15PM – 02.30PM – Amchigele Jevon
Cultural program
– 02.30 – 04.30PM1. Shloka recitation by children – any shloka from Shri Ramaraksha stotram and describe it’s meaning. Participation prizes for all.
2. Quiz by our super Quizmaster Smt. Kasturi mai Gadiyar. Prize for winners. 3. Group Games by Smt Vasudha Kamath and Smt Rajashri Shanbhag. Prize for winners. 3. Every family will have to keep an exhibition stall. Whatever it can be, except anything to sell. Exhibit your interest/ hobby/ any creative stall. Compulsory for all the families. Participation prizes for all.4.00 PM – High tea
Foundation day events
– 04.30 – 05.30PM – The program will mark the remembrance of our founders who have devoted their time and efforts to assist the samaj to reach to such heights – Certificate of merit will be issued to wards of samaj members as well as to others members who have attained recognition for their performances Shri Satyanarayana Pooja for the foundation day will be performed by the President of our samaj, Shri. N.R.Nayak maam and family Note: Being the annual day of the samaj, no slots are available for the sponsorship of Pooja for this month.